Japan school
We all know that education is important in every country, but in Japan it’s more important for lots of reasons. The main reason is because the Japanese attitude to jobs. A good job is important to most people, but in Russia for example many people expect to, and perhaps want to, try more then one job in their lives. In Japan is different. People usually stay with the same company from the time they leave school or university until they retire. So the children must do well at school to get a good job then they leave.
The hard work starts at 12 then they leave primary school and move to junior high school. There is less relaxed and more competitive. They are about 40 pupils in each class and discipline is quite strict. The pupils sit in rows, and before each lesson they stand up and bow to the teacher. Politeness and respect are very important in Japan. The pupils don’t ask questions. It’s considered rude to question a teacher. And another difference is that they go to school on Saturday. So they have 6 days of school a week. They also go to special extra schools in the evening, so they are busy most of the time.
They have 3 or 4 hours of homework every night. The Japanese teenagers go back to school because that is when they have club activities – sports clubs, art clubs, English clubs and others. And children like their schools ‘cause they have no time to be bored. I think Russian schools could learn something from Japan.

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