Environmental protection
Our earth is our home, so if we want to protect our home we should protect our environment from harmful effects of human activity. Some ofthese activities cause pollution. Pollution now is a very important problem. Some of these problem are : the ozone holes, global warming ( or green-house effect), acid rain… The ozone layer is a layer of gases which stop harmful radiation from the sun protecting the earth. Recent research shows that there is a hole in part of the ozone layer which is caused by smoke from factories, car exhaust fumes, aerosol cans ‘cause they contain CFC. Global warming is an increase in world temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide. Acid rain is rain that contains dangerous chemicals, this is caused by smoke from factories. Another problem is poisons in food. Farmer soften spray chemicals in crops to safe them from pests.
These chemicals are called pesticides. Scientists have found that pesticides often end up in our food and they can cause
I think that we should recycle our used things, we should plant more trees, we should not waste resources but try save them, we also must make smoke from factories and car’s fumes more clean, we must not dump industrial waste to seas and rivers…Now people are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not somebody else’s. They make different organization, whose aim is conservation. For example “ GREEN PEACE ” , “ FRIEND OF THE EARTH ” and others. Everyday millions people from all over the world do everything to protect our environment, and they need for our help. I think we ought to help them, just to make our future better.
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