Білет № 7 Відповіді на білети. Англійська мова

Ви щойно повернулися з першого заняття на мовних курсах у країні, мова якої вивчається. Розкажіть своїм батькам, якою була тема першого заняття, опишіть своє перше враження від класу та учнів, опишіть свою вчительку і види діяльності на уроці.

You know that nowadays it’s very important to speak one or two foreign languages. That’s why I decided to enter the course of English on Malta. The language school here is very popular. It is situated in one of the picturesque places. When I found the school site they gave me all information about the beginner’s course, the teachers and the conditions of living.

When I came here I was excited by the classroom and modern equipment-a computer and video. The first lesson was devoted to the acquaintance with students and teacher. At

first let me tell you about my group. They are from different countries and different continents. I made friends with the girl from India. She told us about unique traditions and culture of her state and even showed us the fragment of the Indian dance.

Other students told about themselves, too. I liked the teacher. He introduced himself as Mr. Brown. He is from Great Britain. Our teacher was very friendly and communicative. Besides he is a young man. That’s why we called him John. At first we couldn’t say a word but after some minutes all the students felt at home. We made dialogues, read short funny stories, sang a song. I wasn’t tired at all. I hope that my next lessons will be interesting and encourage students to use English in practical way.

Picturesque – мальовничі acquaintance – знайомство conditions – умови unique – унікальні equipment – обладнання encourage – надихати

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Білет № 7 Відповіді на білети. Англійська мова