Каково быть мной в данную минуту? – What is it like to be me now?
What is it like to be me? It is a good question. And I think you can get a good answer. Now I have teaching practice at school. I am not exactly sure if I want to be a teacher of English language. I like children as well but sometimes they scream a lot. Today I will have lessons of English language and I am exciting about it now but I do not like to make lesson plans. It is so boring. Every time it is like to be me differently because I am human-being and change my mood. After today teaching practice I plan to go to English Club. It is not far away from my house. Brandon is a volunteer of Peace Corps. In English Club we have some fun activities which I like so much. A few hours ago I read stories of people who were in the United States of America on program Work and Travel. It is so
Amusing. While I was reading the stories, I was imaging that I was there. Those articles are motivated and inspired me to do my best. Finally, I want to say “Thank” to City & Guilds that you give me an opportunity to take part in your International Essay Competition. You help me to develop and improve my writing skills and imagination. Right now I am thinking and writing about my thoughts. Thank so much.
I do not know about what to write exactly but I am doing it now. It is the last essay which is called “What is like to be me now?” because the International Essay Competitions is getting over for a couples hours. It is sad because over two months I have written essays and soon it will be over. But tomorrow will be spring. It is a time when everything is coming alive. Now In Taldykorgan where I am living, the sun is shinning brightly and I have a good mood. Have fun in spring time because it is time when you become as a newborn.
So do I!!! Good luck!!!

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