Білет № 2 Відповіді на білети. Англійська мова
ПІд час канікул у країні, мова якої вивчається, у Вас підвищилася температура, Ви звернулися за порадою до лікаря. Розкажіть, як ви почуваєтеся, спитайте, які ліки слід приймати, поцікавтеся, де їх можна купити, скільки вони коштують, і попросіть виписати Вам рецепт.
People say that the first wealth is health. My parents always quarrel with me because I don’t take care of it. When it is cold I walk without hat and scarf. I never do morning exercises. I don’t attend my P. E. lessons. But yesterday I understood that my parents were right.
When I returned to the hotel after the excursion to the Regent’s Park and to the Zoo I felt that something was wrong with me. I had a cold and sore throat. The cough became very bad. I asked my friend to send for the doctor.
The doctor prescribed a diet for me, told to stay in bed for 3 days. He gave me a prescription and explained my friend how to find the nearest chemist’s. The doctor told me I should take the medicine so that I would get better. He said that if the temperature was high I would be taken to the hospital.
The chemist made up the medicines for me according to the prescription. She explained how to take them. I did everything to recover and in 3 days I was healthy and went to Scotland.
Wealth – багатство sounded my lungs – вислухав легені quarrel – сваритися checked my blood pressure – поміряв тиск attend – відвідувати to have my chest x-rayed – зробити флюорографію sore throat – хворе горло cough – кашель prescription – рецепт took my temperature – поміряв chemist’s – аптека мені температуру to recover – одужати





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