Будущее – The future
Nature is something humans counted as dangerous and scary. They fought against it, setting traps for animals and cutting down trees. Nowadays, the situation is more much more powerful and safer. People are not putting up much of a fight but the nature is still weakening. Pollution, toxic waste, illegal lumbering and of course transport – these are only some of the problems that we can`t put up with. Right now these problems are being worked on, but if not solved, they can grow into a catasrophe, which we won`t be able to stop. Right now it doesn`t seem like much, but it might force people to live in a large glass like domes, huge space stations or even on the other planets.
Forced to produce their own oxygen by planting trees and grass people will conserve them by keeping in a
Conserved place which is connected by a railway and a tunnel with other domes, farms and solar-power generators.
The life of humans will change a lot. Almost all ozone will be destroyed, keeping people not only in a closed space, but impenetrable for ultra-violet rays. There are multiplied projects to prevent the global heating, like making artificial clouds, but they are not enough yet.

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