If I had a chance to go to some English – speaking country I would like to go to Australia
Australia seems to me and other people to be the upside-down world. The New Year is at midsummer, midwinter is in June. Hot winds blow from the north: cold winds blow from the south. The farther north you go, the hotter it gets. The trees look strange; it will seem odd to you that they never lose their leaves, and you will miss the bare branches in winter. Australia is a land of strange birds and beasts such as kangaroo, koala, echidna and dingo. Australia is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent.
Its area is about the United States (without Alaska) -7,7 square km. Today there live about 17 million of people. Australia is a country of almost 3 million square miles far from other countries that’s why it wasn’t discovered for a long time. And only in 1606 Dutch sailors reached the shores of the unknown continent, but it was not settled till the English Captain Cook discovered the East Coast in 1770. When settlement began in 1788 the continent was inhabited
The climate is hot and Australian boast that they can sleep out – of – doors all the year round. The sun shines in winter and in summer. Snow and ice are rare, except the high mountains. There is not much rain, and drought is a constant anxiety. In bad times, and in the driest parts, many animals may die for want of water. Today Australia is an independent federative state consisting of 6 states and 2 territories. It is a member of the Commonwealth headed by the British Queen. The capital is Canberra.





Схожі твори:
- English-speaking countries Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are English speaking countries. They are situated in different parts of the world and differ in many ways. The nature of these countries, their weather and climate and way of life of their people differ. Each coutry has it`s own history customs, traditions, its own national holidays. […]...
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- The English year The are four seasons in the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The winter months in Great Britain are November, December, January and February. The winter months are cold. In Great Britain in winter it snows and rains. November, There 30 days in November. It is the first winter month in Britain. In November there […]...
- Важность английского языка в моей жизни – The Importance of English language in my life The more languages you speak you speak, the more times you are a human being. It’s not surprising, that English is one of the most important languages nowadays. English is spoken practically all around the world. Today English is used by at least 750 million people. It is necessary in different spheres. To my way […]...
- The land and the people The UK of Creat Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the territory of the British Isles. It consists of 4 main countries which are England, Scotland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff and Belfast. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state which is […]...
- Ukraine and Great Britain Both Ukraine and Great Britain lie in Europe, but Ukraine is situated on the European continent and Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English channel. І Україна, і Велика Британія лежать у Європі, однак Україна є континентальною державою, а Велика Британія відділена від суходолуЛа-Маншем. До речі, Британія є цілком морською державою. Вона […]...
- Climate and nature of Аustralia. Клімат і природа Австралії Австралія розташована на південний схід від Азії. Вона омивається Тиморським морем на півночі, Кораловим і Тасмано-вим морями на сході та Індійським океаном на півдні і заході. Австралія – найпосушливіший континент на землі. Це дуже жарка країна. Літніми місяцями є грудень, січень і лютий. Середня Літня температура – від 20 до 30 градусів вище нуля. Зимові […]...