Ralph Rover

I have always loved to travel. In my boyhood I loved to wander among the woods and hills around my home. But when I grew older my native land seemed too small for me. I wanted to see the wide, wide world, to sail the seas as my father and grandfather had done. Kiw on the water. When I was quite a baby, my father bought a srnaii collage in a fishing village on the coast of England. My parents were growing old and they decided te-spend the remaining days of their lives on the shores of sea, which they loved so much. Degahlo show the roving spirit. I wanted to travel, but my parents did not let me go to sea, for I was too young. I used to wander along the shore or on the beach and watch the waves as they broke against the cliffs.

I worried my father so much that at last he allowed me to take work on a ship, and I became a ship – boy on a coaster which sailed near the shores of my native land. We visited different seaports and I learned many useful things. My name is Ralph and my shipmates added to this the name of Rover, because I was so Jbrid of travelling.

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Ralph Rover