Твір з англіської: Мої улюблені композитори
My Favourite Composers. Музика є невід’ємною частиною життя кожної людини. Я не можу уявити собі людини, що живе без музики. Ми можемо слухати музику вдома, на роботі, у машині чи навіть у той час, коли ми йдемо по вулиці. Якщо говорити про класичну музику, то мені завжди подобалися твори П. І. Чайковського.
Видатні люди, праці яких мені подобаються. Мені дуже подобаються його твори, тому що вони глибоко слов’янські за своїм духом. У своїй творчій діяльності П. Чайковський використовував народні мелодії. Він також створив музичну мову, що була органічно
Music Is An Essential Part Of Everyone’S Life. I can’t imagine a person living without music.
We can listen to it at home, at work, in the car or even while walking along the street. If to speak about classical music I have always liked the works of Peter I. Tschaikovskyi. I like his works because they are deeply Slavonic in their spirit. In his creative work Tschaikovskyi used folklore melodies. He also created a musical language, organically connected with the music life of common people. He taught music at Moscow Conservatory and his students always appreciated him deeply.
Tschaikovskyi worked hard at different programmes of musical education. He also created the first textbook on harmony of music, which was later translated into German and French. I like his First Symphony “Winter Dreams” most of all. Tschaikovskyi reflected his impressions of the trip to Lake Ladoga and Valaam in it. There one can see winter nature, fields with glimmering snow and bright sun. It is very tender, and at the same time solemn and grand. If to speak about modern music I prefer to listen to jazz. Jazz appeared in 1900 in America. Most prominent of jazz players were Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald. It is a kind of music where experiments are always welcome. The main jazz instruments are the piano, the trumpet and the drums. Jazz can be divided into classical jazz and experimental jazz. I like experimental jazz as it is based upon improvisation. It is always very fresh and diverse music.
Essential part [l’senfal pa:t] – невід’ємна частина trumpet [‘trAmpat] – труба improvisation [,impravai’zeijn] – творча діяльність creative work [kri’eitiv W3:k] – імпровізація
Why do people like music? What kinds of music do you like? What is your favourite composer? What modern music do you like? What is your favourite singer?