Что такое любовь? – What Is Love? 
What is love? Surely all the people who lived before us on the Earth asked this question, but in the XXI century, we have no answer to this question. If you ask people “What
Твір з англіської мови Fireplaces
In English Homes, the fireplace has always been, until recent times, the focal point in the room. В англійських будинках аж до недавнього часу камін завжди займав центральне місце в кімнаті. Людям може подобатися
Problems of public transport
However crowded the roads are, British car owners usually find a reason not to switch to public transport. The buses are too slow, or the trains are too expensive, or no public services actually
Sports in Great Britan
The English are great lovers of sport; and they are neither playing nor waching games, they like to talk about them. However, there is important thing about sport in Britain which we must know.
Физическая культура и спорт в Украине – Physical Training and Sports in Ukraine
Такие виды спорта как плавание, бег, конный спорт, борьба и другие берут начало с древних времен в Украине. Система военного и физического обучения казаков в Запорожье основывалась на национальных играх и физических упражнениях. Первые
From the history of Belarus
Belarus is Eastern Slavic nation, historically part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Poland and Russia it regained its independence on the 27th of july, 1990. The territory of present-day Belarus was first populated in
A Citizen Is Not a Profession. Бути громадянином – не професія
Що означає вислів “Я громадянин України”? Спочатку здається важким дати відповідь. Візьмемо кілька прикладів. Лікар допомагає людям поліпшити здоров’я. Робітник створює машини. Фермер вирощує врожаї. Учитель навчає дітей. Солдат захищає нашу країну. Коротше кажучи,
The Renaissance
The Renaissance or the revival of learning was the period then european culture was at it’s high. It lasted from the 14’th centure till 17’th centure, and was coursed by complex economic situation and
New year’s day in England
The celebration of New Year’s day varies according to the district. In the south of England, the festival of Christmas, lasting 12 days from December 25th, runs on well into the New Year. The
Let me introduce myself. I am Nelly, my surname is Simonenko. I am Ukrainian. My address is 32, flat 45, Frunze street. I live in Alchevsk, Luganskaya region. I am from Ukraine. Now I