Adam Smith

After two centuries, Adam Smith remains a towering figure in the history of economic thought. Known primarily for a single work, An Inquiry into the nature an causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776),

Образование – Education

It is an open secret that education is very important nowadays. It does not only broaden our scope, but also makes us wiser. Firstly, it empowers people to get off in their career. That

The United States of America is located in North America

It is one of the largest countries in the world. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. The USA has 50 states. The largest of America’s states is Alaska. It’s nearly

Австралия – Australia

Австралия, или Австралийский союз, как он официально называется, расположена на островном континенте. Она также занимает остров Тасмания и ряд маленьких островов, расположенных вдоль побережья континента. Это высокоразвитая промышленная и сельскохозяйственная страна. Ее площадь около

Frank O`Connor (Irish writer)

One of my favorite authors is Frank O`Connor. Frank O`Connor is a pseudonym of Michael Odonovan, born in Cork, Ireland in 1903. He grew up in an Irish provincial town. His published works include

From the history of Great Britain

The conquest of England by the Normans began in 1066 with the Battle of Hastings where the English fought against the Normans. The conquest was completed in 1071. Who were the Normans who conquered

Great Britain today

Великобритания по государственному устройству является конституционной монархией. Британская конституция не является отдельным документом. Она составляется частично из уставов (законов, принятых парламентом), а также из таких документов, как “Magna Carta” (декларация, которая ограничивает королевскую власть,

Trying to Speak English

Juan was a Spanish student. He wanted to go to Britain where he could speak English with real English people. His sister’s husband was an Englishman, and they lived in England. When Juan wrote

The history of International organization the City and Guilds

The City and Guilds has been founded in 1878, which the main purpose was to establish a national system of technical education in the UK. The first exams were held in cotton manufacture, steel

Мои летние каникулы – My Summer Holidays

Летом школьники не ходят в школу. У них летние каникулы, которые длятся три месяца. Детям не надо вставать рано. Не надо делать домашние задании учить уроки. Поэтому они любят каникулы. Я никогда не валяюсь