The expressive means of the language are studied respectively in manuals of phonetics, grammar, lexicology and stylistics. Stylistics, however, observes not only the nature of an expressive means, but also its potential capacity of
The 20th century saw 2 wars which were full of cruelty and violence. This epoch of the mankind was called “The Era of Genocide” because the most 2 wicked wars of the whole history
The official name of Nigeria is Federal Republic of Nigeria. The capital city is Abuja. The Nigerian government is federal republic, independent since 1960. The civilian constitution of the Second Republic, with an US-style
Today cooking is quite an art. There are great chefs, famous restaurants, thousands and thousands of cookclubs, and millions of people who are proud of being able to cook well. Yet there was a
Червона троянда була емблемою роду Ланкастерів, а біла – роду Йорків, двох будинків, що боролися за англійський трон у Війні Троянд. Але їхня боротьба закінчилася весіллям Генрі VII Ланкастера і принцеси Єлизавети, роду Йорк.
Today we see the world in which social, industrial and political order has been greatly influenced by science. The development of science has increased man;s know-ledge of nature. Modern experimental science began about 400
Я почав вивчати англійську мову в п’ятому класі, і до цього часу я вивчаю цю мову протягом 7 років. Я люблю англійську мову і думаю, що будь-яка іноземна мова допомагає зрозуміти свою власну мову.
It began as an important roman city. In medieval times a stone wall was built around it, and wall is still there today. There is the river Omse near Lendal bridge. And from here
Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. He liked sitting beside a window when he was flying, so when he
У крамниці Ви хочете придбати одяг. У розмові з продавцем поясніть, яку річ Ви хочете купити, поінформуйте, який розмір Ви носите, який колір Вам подобається, з’ясуйте, де Ви можете приміряти запропоновану річ. One day