Немного фантазии – A bit of fantasy
I have a tortoise. His name is Pasha. Usual green tortoise with a coat of mail. But one day my mind about him has changed. Last year at the time of the cold winter
Education in Russia
An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things. I think it is very important that everyone should be educated. Each pupils ought todo his best to become a useful member
Стилистический анализ текста: Oscar Wilde “The Sphinx Without a Secret”
The text under stylistic analysis is taken from the book “The Sphinx Without a Secret” by Oscar Wilde. The story is told by the 1st person. The scene is laid outside the Caf? de
Современные украинские писатели – Modern Ukrainian Writers
В украинской литературе есть много славных имен. Среди них можно назвать Лину Костенко, Павла Загребельного, Василия Стуса, Романа Иваничука. Можно продолжать этот список на много страниц. Но я хочу рассказать вам о творчестве Олеся
Michelangelo Antonioni and Luchino Visconti
An internationally recognized director of the period, Michelangelo Anto-nioni made his first mark as a cineaste writing film criticism for Cinema, the official film journal of the Italian Fascist government. Antonioni also attended the
Праздники в Великобритании – UK Holidays
В Великобритании много праздников. Самые главные из них – Рождество и Банковский праздник. Рождество празднуется 25 декабря и символизирует день рождения Христа. В этот день устанавливают елку и украшают ее разными игрушками и свечами.
Пресса в Украине – Press in Ukraine
Газеты и журналы играют очень важную роль в жизни современного человека. Мы обычно читаем газеты, чтобы получить информацию о событиях, которые произошли или будут происходить у нас или за рубежом. Можно также прочитать статьи
Стилистический анализ текста: Brian Glanville “The Thing He Loves”
The text under stylistic analysis is taken from the book “The thing he loves” by Brian Glanville. The story is told by the author. This story is about terrible car accident which happened with
Выбор профессии – Occupational choice
It`s rather difficult to choose the career or a future profession. There`re lucky people who chose their profession when they were children. Many people continue careers of their parents or grandparents. Usually a pupil`s
England’s Women in Film
While Ida Lupino was the lone woman filmmaker working in Hollywood during the 1950s, at least three women were active within the industry during the same period in Great Britain. Muriel Box (born Violet