Climate of Ukraine
The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location. Ukraine’s territory lies in the temperate belt. In general the country’s climate is climate is temperately continental, being subtropical only on the southern coast
Education in Great Britain
У Великобританії діти йдуть до школи у віці п’яти років. Спочатку вони навчаються в школах для дітей 5-7 років. У таких школах учаться малювати кольоровими олівцями і фарбами. Діти ліплять із пластиліну і працю-ють
Білет № 21 Відповіді на білети. Англійська мова
Ваші друзі збираються провести спортивний турнір. обговоріть на зборах, які види спорту будуть представлені на цьому турнирі, чему Ви віддали перевагу саме цим, а не іншим, кого Ви збираєтеся запросити на турнір. My friends
City & Guilds Centre in My Town
City & Guilds is one of the oldest and very well known British Examination Board and works about 130 years. It offers more than 500 qualifications exams. City & Guilds certificates are recognized in
Winsor McCay
Newspaper cartoonist Winsor McCay, who created the famous “Little Nemo in Slumberland” comic strip in the early 1900s, broke into animated films with his 1911 short Little Nemo and then went on to animate
Что значит быть хорошим студентом или учеником? – How to be a good student!
However everyone of us was or still a student. The maim question is “how to be a good student?”. I think that it is not difficult to be a good student because the skills
Alec Issigonis
ALEC ISSIGONIS was born in 1906 in Izmir, Turkey. His mother was German and his father was Greek with British citizenship. Issigonis didn’t go to school. He was taught by a private teacher at
Мой Новый год – My New Year
New Year I celebrate on the first of January. Every time I prepare for New Year. It`s pretty awful. I decorate New Year`s spruce with beautiful toys. Toys were makes our hands are especially
London, the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, is situated on the banks of the river Thames. The city is very old, it is more than 20 centuries. Its population is nearly
Theatres in London
Many of the shows which go on the West End are light comedies, Z”fzj/. but some theatres put on more serious plays. One of England’s leading companies is the Royal Shakespeare Company, There they