About Britain in brief
Great Britain or Foggy Albion, or Britain consists of England, Scotland, and Wales. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is an island state: it is composed of some 5 thousand small islands lie varying distances from the coasts. Geographically, the island of GB is subdivided into two main regions – Lowland Britain (southern and eastern England) and Highland Britain (Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennines, and the Lake District).
The chief rivers of GB are: the Severn, the Themes, the Spey, and the Tweed. The British lakes are generally small and remote. Loch Lomond is the largest lake of Scotland and Loch Ness is the most famous. The largest lake of the UK is at the centre of Northern Ireland – Lough Neagh. The largest lake of Wales – Lake Bala is only 10 sq. km.
The British Flag, known as the Union Jack, is a combination of 3 flags: the Saint Andrew`s cross (the Scottish flag), the
English is not only one language that is spoken there today. Celtic speech still survives in the British Isles, mainly in the Uplands of Wales and the Highlands of Scotland. In Wales, Welsh is spoken today. In Scotland, Scottish Gaelic. In Ireland, Irish Gaelik or Erse is spoken.
P. S.: More information about the UK of GB and Northern Ireland can be found in the book “British Life” by Anne Collins and in the book “Britain. The country and its people: an introduction for learners of English” by James O`Driscoll.





Схожі твори:
- United Kingdom of Great Britain The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But people often make this name shorter – they call this country “the United Kingdom ”, or even “the UK ”. The United Kingdom is situated to the north-west of Europe. Actually it is separated from Europe by the Channel. […]...
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- The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their […]...
- Great Britain The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their […]...
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- Климат Великобритании – Climate of Great Britain Великобритания расположена на островах. Она омывается морями со всех сторон. Поэтому климат и природа Великобритании очень специфичны. Там не очень холодно зимой и никогда не бывает жарко летом. На озерах и реках зимой не бывает льда. Во все времена года очень часто идет дождь. Погода меняется очень часто. Марк Твен как-то сказал об Америке: “Если […]...
- Climate and nature of Great Britain The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The south-western winds carry the warmth and moisture into Britain. The climate in Britain is usually described as cool, temperate and humid. British people say: “Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather.” The weather […]...
- Learning foreigner language More and more people realize that every educated person should know a foreigner language. The most popular language now is English. English is a world language. It’s the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relation, commerce and business. It’s the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sports. It is also the […]...
- National sports of Great Britain Many kinds of sport originated from England. The English have a proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. They do not think that play is more important than work; they think that Jack will do his work better if he plays as well, so he is encouraged to do both. Association […]...
- Learning foreign language The great German poet Goethe once said: “He who know no foreign language does not know his own one. Learning foreign languages is specially important nowadays. Some people learn foreign languages because they need them in their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby. Every year thousands of people from […]...
- Political System The United Kingdom of Great Britain З’єднане Королівство Великобританії і Північної Ірландії – конституційна монархія. Влада королеви, Єлизавети II, не абсолютна. Ця влада обмежена парламентом. Законодавча влада – парламент – складається з палати лордів і палати громад. Виконавча влада складається з центрального уряду, тобто прем’єр-міністра і кабінету міністрів, що несуть відповідальність за прийняття рішень і керування державною політикою. Судова влада незалежна […]...
- HISTORY OF THE UK Like every old country on Earth the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland long and very interesting history. Since ancient times Celtic and Anglo-Saxon tribes inhabited these numerous islands, not far from Europe. In the first century before Christi Julius Caesar, the Roman dictator, came to Britain on purpose to make it a […]...
- Британский индивидуализм – British Individualism The British can be particularly and stubbornly conservative about anything which is perceived as a token of Britishness. In these matters, their conservatism can combine with their individualism; they are rather proud of being different. It is: for example, very difficult to imagine that they will ever agree to change from driving on the left-hand […]...
- Ukraine and Great Britain Both Ukraine and Great Britain lie in Europe, but Ukraine is situated on the European continent and Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English channel. І Україна, і Велика Британія лежать у Європі, однак Україна є континентальною державою, а Велика Британія відділена від суходолуЛа-Маншем. До речі, Британія є цілком морською державою. Вона […]...
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- Getting around in britain Britain has almost the same population as France but less than half the space. With 238 people per square kilometre, it is a densely populated country. So it is not surprising that the transport system is fairly comprehensive. With the notable exception of the Highlands of Scotland, almost every square centimetre of the map of […]...
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