Мy school
I study at school N 22. Our school is a new three-storey building situated in Moscovskaya street, in an district of our town. Behind my school there is a green house and a big
День Валентина – Valentine`s Day
Saint Valentine’s Day (this name is more common in Russia) and also, known as Valentine`s Day is a holiday which celebrates on February 14 around all over the world every year. Valentine`s Day is
Твір з англіської мови Our Street
Я живу на Сосновій вулиці. Це дуже тиха вуличка на окраїні нашого міста. Вона дуже зелена навесні і влітку. На ній багато дерев. Тротуари обсаджені липами. А в садках у людей багато фруктових дерев
Твір з англіської мови Ostroh. Острог
The small town of Ostroh is one of the oldest settlements in Ukraine. It was founded in 1100. In the 16th century a Greek-Latin-Slavonic collegium and printing centre were established here. Невелике місто Острог
Твір з англіської мови about Myself. Про себе
Мене звати Віктор. Моє прізвище Іванов. Я народився 7 квітня 1997 року в місті Харкові. Мої батьки – службовці. Я єдина дитина в родині. Я учень 9 класу загальноосвітньої школи. Після закінчення школи я
Famous writers
There are many famous English writers. Among them are William Shakespeare, Keepling and many others. I will tell you about the life and work of Arthur Conan Doyle and Ian Fleming, because I like
Customs and traditions of english speaking countries
Every country and every nation has it’s own traditions and customs. It’s very important to know traditions and customs of different people. it will help you toknow more about the history and life of
A Broken Vase
The young man was going to marry a beautiful girl. One day the girl said to him that the next day she would celebrate her birthday and invited him to her birthday party. The
What is Essential for Me in Choosing my Future Career?
Choosing a future career is one of the biggest problems for young people. It does not only depend on some preference or the teenager, but also on some other aspects such as salary, the
Weather in UK
Englishmen say “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”, It means that they like all the seasons, all kinds of weather. Every season is good in its own way. Each person likes