Білет № 14 Відповіді на білети. Англійська мова
Уявіть, що Ви нещодавно повернулися з іншої країни. Розкажіть однокласникам про свою поїздку. Some days ago I returned from Great Britain. It was my dream to visit its cities and especially its capital. My
Кино в нашей жизни – Cinema in Our Life
Кино действительно является искусством нашего времени. Сегодня это самая большая эстетическая и образовательная сила в мире. Открытие фотографии в 1828 году сыграло огромную роль в развитии кино. 1895 стал годом, когда появилось кино. После
City & Guilds helps to find a new friend!
Hello, dear reader!!! Today was not anything special until one great thing. Today I went to skating with my friends and my mum. After coming back I started to write essays to International Essay
George Cukor
George Cukor was known in the trade as a “woman’s director” because of his skill in directing such stars as Katharine Hepburn, but his credits range over a wide variety of genres. A Bill
Planning a day
My working day begins rather early. I wake up at 6.30,1 am not an early – riser and its difficult for me to get up so early. Then I go to the bathroom, wash
Olympic Games in London
London was host for the first time in 1908. With 1,500 competitors from 19 nations, the Games were by now an institution of world-wide significance. The programme, moreover, was augmented by the inclusion of
Wales is a country of lakes and mountains. Its about the half the size of Switzerland, and it has a population of two and three quarter million. On the north of Wales is some
A Careless Tongue
There was a young woman who liked to tell stories about her neighbours. Some stories were good, some stories were funny and then young woman told them to make people laugh. As always happens
Marriage and love
Marriage is different from love. It is a good institution but I must add that a lot depends on the person you are married to. There is no such thing as a good wife
Твір з англіської мови Рівненська область
Rivne was founded in the 13th century. Рівне було засноване в 13 сторіччі. У 18 і 19 століттях офіційно місто належало Росії, але фактично воно було столицею власного королівства польської родини Любомир-ських, що мали