We live in Usinsk. It`s a small town with the population of about 60 thousand people situated near the river Usa in the north-east of the Komi Republic. Usinsk is young it was founded
Birthday on a picnic
I think celebrating birthdays in flats rather boring. In Russia eating and drinking occupies the most part of a birthday celebrating. Everybody at the table very quickly becomes full and begins to feel sleepy.
Образование в Канаде – Education in Canada
Школьная система Канады очень похожа на систему США, но существуют некоторые отличия. Образование в Канаде общее и обязательное для детей с 6 до 16 лет, а в некоторых провинциях – до 14 лет. Оно
Newcomers from Mars
Today we know that there is no life on Mars. But we found it out not long ago when our rockets had been sent to that planet. For a long time many people thought
F. W. Murnau, Pabst, and the Silent German Movie Masters
Before leaving Germany at this precipitous moment, we should consider some of the other filmmakers who made significant contributions to the cinema in the 1920s. F. W. Murnau directed the classic vampire tale Nosferatu
Праздники в США – Holidays in the USA
В США много праздников. Многие из них связаны с историей страны. Существуют также праздники, берущие начало от старых колониальных дней. Основные праздники США – Новый год, Пасха, День Поминовения, День независимости, День Благодарения и
Women and Film Noir
Changes in gender roles during and after World War II had a tremendous influence on film and popular culture, particularly with regard to images of women. During the war, because so many men were
A Good Beginning Makes a Good Ending
Завжди цікаво почати що-небудь нове. І якщо початок гарний, то закінчення може бути теж гарним. Якщо ми візьмемо таку проблему як вибір професії, то ми повинні знати усе про ту чи іншу професію. Наприклад,
Thomas Edison
Frames from the Lumière brothers’ L’Arrivée d’un train à La Ciotat (Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat, 1896). Of all the early film pioneers, it was Edison and his associates who most clearly
Educating children at home
Now educating children at home is something that apparently twice the number of parents are talking on than used to be the case. It is estimated that about 6000 children are being taught at