В Австралії існує централізована національна система освіти. На чолі цієї системи знаходиться федеральне міністерство освіти. Але все-таки існує багато розходжень у структурі і програмах шкіл різних штатів. У країні є два типи шкіл: державні
I would like to tell you about my great-grandmother. She is an unusual woman. Her name is Vera Andreevna. She was born in far 1916. She is 93 now. My great – grandma is
A meal is an instance of eating, specifically one that takes place at a specific time and includes specific, prepared food. Meals occur primarily at homes, restaurants, and cafeterias, but may occur in many
The text under stylistic analysis is taken from the book “The diamond as Big As Ritz” written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It deals with feelings and emotions of author and written in the style
Until reccently the history of the english theatre has been build around actors rather then companies. It has been hard to find any London theatre that even had a consistent policy. There are no
Ви отримали завдання підготувати короткий огляд телепередач одного з національних каналів. надайте своїм товаришам інформацію про те, які телепередачі Ви порекомендували б проглянути в першу чергу і чому. I would like to start my
T. S. is London’s geographical center. It was laid out during the early part of the 19th century to commemorate the naval victory of Britain over the French at Trafalgar in 1805, in which
My name is Milena, and I was born in Ukraine, I live here is about 15 years. Ukraine is my Motherland and I`m very proud to live here. So I`d like to tell you
During the thirties and forties, women made up a large proportion of movie audiences. To take advantage, studios developed a genre that came to be known as women’s pictures. These movies varied widely, from
ВІДВІДУВАННЯ КІНОТЕАТРУ В АНГЛІЇ. Коли англійці йдуть у кіно, вони це роблять не гак, як ми. По-перше, вони не купують квитки заздалегідь. Якщо вони бажають подивитися фільм, вони йдуть до кінотеатру й купують квитки