A year is long time. Lot;s of things happen in a year. There are four seasons in a year. All the seasons are nice: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is the morning of the year. In spring nature awakens and the weather gets warmer, warmer, warmer. The fields are covers with first fresh green grass and flowers. The forests are filled with bird;s songs. The sky is blue and sun shines brightly. At night millions stars shine in the darkness.
When summer comes, the weather gets warmer and sometimes it;s very hot. It;s school children;s holidays time. Some of them go to the seaside with their parents, others go to the country. Summer is wonderful. It;s nice to walk in the green fields, to play with friends, to swim and to fish. Children find a lot of things to enjoy in summer.
After summer autumn comes. We call autumn a tasty season. It;s harvest time when crops are gathered in. The days get shorter and nights get longer. The woods turn yellow-red and brown. Leaves begin to fall down the trees. The sky is grey and it often rains.
When winter comes we spend more time at home, because it is cold. But when snow comes the ground as a white carpet children like to play snowballs, to make snowman, to skate, to ski.





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