Planning a day
My working day begins rather early. I wake up at 6.30,1 am not an early – riser and its difficult for me to get up so early. Then I go to the bathroom, wash my face, clean my teeth and comb my hair. After that I dress myself.
In the morning I don;t have much time for breakfast, so I have a cup of tea with a sandwich. Then I take my schoolbag and run to the bus stop. My way to school is rather hard because of the traffic. I live rather far from school. It takes me nearly 40 minutes to get there. The buses and trolley-buses are usually overcrowded in the morning. And it;s a problem to get into it. I must elbow my way to stand somewhere in the corner. Nobody can call such a ride a pleasure, neither can I.
At last I am at school, and the day;s work begins. Usually we have six or seven lessons a day with ten minute breaks.
At 1.30 the school is over. But my working day is not, I have to do my homework at 2.00 p. m. I come home, change my clothes, wash my hands and have dinner. After dinner I have a short rest and then I do my homework.
Most of all I like evening hours, when the family gets together. We like to have dinner together and speak about our problems. Then we watch TV, or read. At 11 o;clock I go to bed. At 6.30 in the morning the alarm clock wakes me up, and I am happy to start a new day.





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