Твір: Про мою маму. Аbout My Mother
Мою маму звуть Валентина Іванівна Петренко. Їй сорок років. Але, по-моєму, вона виглядає набагато молодшою. Ми з татом вважаємо, що вона дуже красива жінка. Мама невисока, але в неї красива фігура. Тато говорить, що вона все така ж струнка, як у юності. У неї також дуже красиве волосся, довге і хвилясте.
Моя мама зайнята людина. Вона працює бухгалтером на заводі. У неї також багато домашніх справ, хоча ми з татом намагаємося якнайбільше допомагати їй. Мама – дуже гарна людина. У неї багато друзів. Вона добра, енергійна і завжди готова прийти на
My Mother’S Name is Valentyna Ivanivna Petrenko. She is forty years old. But to my mind she looks much younger. My father and I think that she is a very beautiful woman. Mom is not tall, but she has a fine figure. Father says she is still as slim as she was in her youth. She also has beautiful hair, long and wavy. My mother is a busy woman. She works as an accountant at a factory. She also has a lot of work to do about the house, though Dad and I try to help her as much as possible. Mom is a very nice person. She has a lot of friends. She is kind, energetic and always ready to help. She has a good sense of humour and is funny to be with.
Mind [maind] – думка possible [‘pasibl] – можливий figure [‘figa] – постать person [‘p3:san] – особа, людина accountant [a’kauntant] – бухгалтер
What is the full name of your mother? How old is she? What is she? Can you describe your mother’s appearance? Do you help your mother about the house?





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