The Kremlin

The Kremlin is the symbol of first Russian and later Soviet power and authority. Its crenellated red brick walls and 20 towers were built at the end of the 15th century, when a host


I was born and spent all my life in my native city – Archangel. Archangel is the administrative, industrial and cultural center of Archangel region. It is situated on the banks of the Northern

Holidays in the USА

У США багато свят. Багато з них пов’язані з історією країни. Існують також свята, що беруть початок від старих колоніальних днів. Основні свята США – Новий рік, Великдень, День Поминання, День незалежності, День Віддяки

Georges Méliès’s world of fantasy

While Edison, along with Étienne-Jules Marey, Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince, and the Lumière brothers, was inventing the foundation of the modern motion picture, other early practitioners of the cinematic art were creating worlds

Кто я? – Who am I?

Everyone asks themselves: “Who am I?” And I have the same question to myself. Sometimes it is difficult to answer to this question because I am growing up and my mind is changing. When

Музика Великобританії. Music in Great Britain

Генрі Перселл (1659-1695), видатний англійський композитор, жив у 17 сторіччі. Він був засновником англійської опери. Його опера “Король Артур” була дуже популярна серед простих людей. Головна тема опери – боротьба за незалежність Англії. Великий

Advantages and disadvantages of the USE

Does the USE have the use for Russian education system? Other people find it good. Other people find suitable for the Russian education, as it can`t show all the spectrum of pupils` know ledge.

The working day of an engineer

One of my friend, Dmity Shevelev, lives in Vladivostok now though he was born in Nakhodka. Some years ago he graduated from the one of our institutions and became an engineer. Now he lives

The vacation situation in America

Ah, vacation. The sand, the surf. The mountains and hiking. The city streets and sidewalk cafes. I need a vacation. That’s what most of the Americans think, but don’t do. They have heard all

What is a brand?

In my opinion, it’s not only a trademark of some company, but the name of certain product we use every day. For example, speaking about coffee most of us say Nescafe, but not ‘coffee’.