Стилистический анализ текста: Angus Wilson “A Bit off the Map”
The text under stylistic analysis is taken from the book “A bit off the map” by Angus Wilson. It deals with the aspiration of a young woman to choose a career. This text is
Outstanding Events in the Life of Great Britain. Видатні події в житті Великобританії
There were many outstanding events in the history of Great Britain. В історії Великобританії відбулося багато видатних подій. У 43 році н. е. Англія була приєднана до Римської імперії. Римське завоювання зіграло важливу роль
Rail Passes & Tickets
More than 240,000 Kilometers for you. Enjoy every journey in modern, high-tech and fast trains. Train travel in Europe is comfortable, relaxing and efficient. You can admire the passing scenery, enjoy a meal, take
Cities and Towns of Great Britain. Великі і малі міста Великобританії
ВеликобританіЯ – високорозвинена промислова країна, і більшість людей живуть у великих містах. Звичайно, столиця стоїть на першому місці серед найбільших промислових міст країни. Безліч продукції, такої як одяг, продукти харчування, літаки й автомобілі, виробляється
Russian traditions
Almost every nation and country has a reputation of some kind. The Englishmen are reputed to be cold, reserved, rather naughty easy-going and fond of sport. They are the nation of stay-at-homes. “There is
New Year party
Children all over the world enjoy New Year. They know father frost will come and give them presents. They like to have a fir tree at home. It;s fun to decorate it with shiny
Oedipus and the Riddle of the Sphinx
Oedipus was born to Queen Jocasta and King Laius in the city of Thebes. When Oedipus was born, the gods told Laius he would be killed by his own son. The son would then
Unser Land ist sehr gross und liegt im nordlichen Halbkugel. Das Klima und die Jahreszeiten unterscheiden sich voneinander in den Regionen Russlands ein bisschen. Aber uberall ist es heisser im Sommer und kalter im
The House Un-American Activities Committee
The American mood darkened even further with the investigations of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), which kicked into full gear in 1947. The results were disastrous for film as an art form, and
Air travel
When travelling by air you have to get to the airport early in order to check in about an hour before your flight. If you have a lot of luggage, you can put it