Environmental protection
Our earth is our home, so if we want to protect our home we should protect our environment from harmful effects of human activity. Some ofthese activities cause pollution. Pollution now is a very
Пришелец в Стране Чудес – An Alien in Wonderland
There are a lot of planets in the space. Some of them are inhabited. The inhabitants of one nameless planet wanted it to be the most wonderful in the Universe and they spent all
Beyond Western Europe and the United States
In Japan, the cinema was rapidly becoming more sexually graphic and violent, with the pinku eiga, or “pink” film, dominating the marketplace in the late 1960s. “Pink” films were near-pornographic conflations of sex and
Первые впечатления самые важные – First Impressions Matter First
When 2 people meet for the first time, physical impressions are immediate. Before they have a chance to say a word, their senses are in overdrive. They pick up and store the information about
In our society the information plays a great role. Since the 20s н ears of the 20th century the mass media developed quickly all over the world. However, the storyof them is much longer.
Интересные факты о лондонском транспорте – Interesting facts about London transport
Despite the fact that car ownership has increased dramatically recently, public transport remains really important to London dwellers, because some of them can`t afford buying a car. Public transport services in urban areas, as
The Hollywood professionals
Besides these major directors, a veritable army of skilled journeymen were trained to handle everyday directorial assignments. The studios supervised the careers of not only their actors, but also their directors, cinematogra-phers, and other
Мои размышления о красоте – My thoughts about beauty
“Not every beauty inspires love: sometimes it gladdens the eye, but did not conquer the heart”. M. Cervantes. Writers, composers and artists are always talking about the man in their books, music and art.
Твір з англіської мови Poltava. Полтава
На мальовничому березі ріки Ворскла розташоване одне із найбільш цікавих міст України – Полтава. Полтава викликає інтерес завдяки своїй історії. Уперше вона була згадана в літописах як Лтава в 1174 році. Ця стара назва
Привидение (хэллоуин) – The ghost
Do you like stories about ghosts? I`d like to tell you one. The ghost lives on the roof of our house. It likes biscuits, sweets and jam. It likes wearing fairytale heroes` clothes. It