I was born and spent all my life in my native city – Archangel. Archangel is the administrative, industrial and cultural center of Archangel region. It is situated on the banks of the Northern Dvina, not far from the place, where river flows into the White Sea. If you want to have a better look of Archangel you need to start sightseeing from Pur-Navolok, the place, where in 1584 the city was founded by the order of Russian Tzar Ivan the Terrible.
The original name of the town was “Новые Холмогоры” and it`s present name dates back to 1613 and it is connected with the name of the Archangel Michael Monastery, which stood on the place, where Drama Theatre is now situated. In 17-th century Archangel became the major center of Russian northern trade with foreign countries, a great sea and river port on the Northern Dvina. The oldest building in Archangel is Gostiny Dvor, dating back to 1684. In ancient times Gostiny Dvor was a trading center and consisted
This place is called the gates to the Arctic. The center of the city is the Lenin Square, where the main administrative buildings, museums and shops are situated. Here you can see the Northern Obelisk, so called the symbol of Archangel. The pedestal shows the main branches or economy of Archangel region in previous centuries: logging, fishing, cattle breading and sawing. There are a lot of other interesting places to view, such as our embankment, Children`s Park and many other.

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- Достопримечательности Вашингтона – Places of Interest in Washington Вашингтон – столица США. Город назван в честь Джорджа Вашингтона, первого президента США. Вашингтон расположен на реке Потомак. Вашингтон – красивый административный город. В центре города расположен Капитолий, где заседает Конгресс США. В Вашингтоне находится Белый дом, резиденция президента. В Вашингтоне много достопримечательностей, например, Библиотека Конгресса, памятник Джорджу Вашингтону, мемориал Линкольна, Могила Неизвестного Солдата и […]...
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