The production code collapses
Another interesting aspect of Psycho was Hitchcock’s insistence to exhibitors that absolutely no one be admitted to the theater after the film had begun. By exerting this degree of control over his audience, Hitchcock
The cinema in Latin America
Brazil’s Bruno Barreto created the raucous comedy Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos (Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands) in 1976, while Carlos Diegues scored with the colorful Bye Bye Brasil (Bye Bye Brazil,
Phraseology received increasing attention in the English-speaking world. Linguistic competence also includes a familiarity with restricted collocations (like break the rules), idioms (like spill the beans in a non-literal sense) and proverbs (like Revenge
Much like its neighbor Jupiter, the sixth planet from the sun has a rocky core and a gaseous surface. But Saturn is chiefly known for its intricate series of rings that encircle it. The
Британские стереотипы – British Stereotypes
The British, like other people tend to be attributed with certain characteristics, which are supposedly typical. These characteristics are called stereotypes. The first and the main stereotype about Britain is that it is considered
Our town
We live in Usinsk. It;s a small town with the population of about 60 thousand people situated near the river Usa in the north-east of the Komi Republic. Usinsk is young it was founded
Restaurants (part 2)
Types of Restaurants. The standard way in which restaurants operate is that customers sit at tables, a waiter comes to take their order, and later brings the food, and the customers pay the bill
Твір з англіської мови Luhansk. Луганськ
Луганськ є одним з обласних центрів України. Він розташований на берегах рік Лу-гань і Вільхова. Місто є великим промисловим центром. Його називають колискою південної металургії. Тут розвинені такі галузі промисловості, як машинобудування, тепловозобудування, вугільна,
Like every old country on Earth the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland long and very interesting history. Since ancient times Celtic and Anglo-Saxon tribes inhabited these numerous islands, not far from
Мое хобби – My hobby
Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste – you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing