Theater, Kino
Man nennt die Kunst die Gedachtnis des Volkes. Sie verbindet uns mit fruheren Generationen, mit der Geschichte unseres eigenes Volkes und der ganzen Zivilisation. Mit Hilfe der Kunst kann man den Menschen selbst formen,
The new American cinema
Another important school of noncommercial filmmaking was the New American Cinema, a loosely knit group of artists who made experimental or underground movies in 16 mm on nonexistent budgets. These movies nevertheless profoundly influenced
Wenn man Ferien hat oder auf Urlaub geht, wahlt man verschiedene Arten von Erholung. Manche haben es gern, zu Hause zu sitzen und einfach fernzusehen oder etwas zu lesen. Andere gehen aufs Land, um
People are fond of traveling
They spend their holidays traveling. They travel to see other countries and continents, to learn a lot about people’s traditions, to enjoy picturesque places. It is interesting for them to discover new things, different
Моє хобі. My Hobby
У мене багато захоплень, тому що існує дуже багато цікавих справ. На жаль, у мене мало вільного часу, тому що я збираюся стати студентом і доводиться багато вчитися. Мені багато чого подобається робити. Наприклад,
Спасем нашу планету! – Save Our Planet!
People spend huge amounds of money to explore space while lots of people living on the Earth have very dangerous diseses as AIDS. Every day we eat food wich is half of soya or
Мои достижения! – My accomplishments!
The biggest accomplishment that I am proud is being so purposeful. For instance: my goal was to know English very well. I took part in many competitions, Olympiads and contests where I took several
The Wanderer of the Winds and Waves
The mystery of the “Marie Celeste” is a story of the old days of the sailing fleet. Every trip in those days was an adventure and tragedies were many. It happened in 1872. An
Мои неожиданные открытия – My Unexpected Discoveries
Last year on a hot summer day my family and I had a chance to go to the pine-forest which is in the immediate suburbs of our town. To be frank we do it
Science is a source of progress. It develops the world we live in. Our century is an epoch of great discoveries in science and engineering. It is epoch of scientific and technological revolution, when