Ты хочешь быть счастливым? – Do you want to be happy?
Reading articles “How to be happy” in the Internet I realize that a happy person should write about it. When you ask yourself: “What is really happiness?” I think that happiness has different meanings
Hobby. Хобі
Хобі – улюблене заняття людини у вільний час. У мене багато друзів. Вони дуже різні, і в них різні хобі. Одна з моїх подруг, наприклад, дуже любить в’язати. Увечері вона сидить на дивані і
Города, нарушившие правила – Cities that broke the rules
The majority of cities were built according to a similar plan. However, there are some examples of cities, which builders broke the rules. The lure of trading has encouraged the growth of cities in
A Frenchman in New York City
A Frenchman was once visiting New York City. He wished to go for a walk in order to see the city, but he was afraid that he might get lost because he did not
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859- 1930)
Arthur Conan Doyle was born in the capital of Scotland, Edinburg. His father Charles E. Doyle, was an artist and architect by profession, but he worked as a clerk in an office. The father
My Day Off. Мій вихідний
Звичайно В мене немає вільного часу в будень, тому я з нетерпінням чекаю вихідних. У вихідний мені не потрібно нікуди квапитися. Я можу робити, що хочу. У вихідний я просипаюся пізніше звичайного, близько 10
Вслед за викингами – On vikings` trails
The summer will be soon, it means that an enormous number of people will go on a holiday. And of course most of them will go to the South. But there are several places
Что такое настоящий турист – Being a right tourist
I would like to go to London. But who wouldn’t? London is the most beautiful city where centuries-old history merged with modernity and post-modernity have created a colorful mix. London is Mecca for cultural
Музыка Америки – American Music
Поскольку Соединенные Штаты Америки населены в основном европейцами, неудивительно, что классическая музыка и народные песни были заимствованы ими из Европы. Бетховен, Брамс, Дебюсси, Чайковский, Стравинский, Бах, Моцарт и Верди – вот всего лишь несколько
A brief guide around Russia
Russia is the land of contrasts: geographically, economically, mentally, etc. And this fact attracts lots of tourists to our Motherland. So, I`d like to present a brief recommendation for visitors. Northwest Russia. Whether it`s