Визначні пам’ятки США. Sights of the USА
Варто почати огляд визначних пам’яток США з Вашингтона. У Вашингтоні багато красивих парків і садів. Цікаво побачити відомі вишневі дерева – подарунок від Японії. Їх привезли в Америку в 1912 році. Музей НАСА присвячений
Life of Shakespeare
The great poet and dramatist William Shakespeare is often called by his people “Our National Bard”, “The Immortal. Poet of nature” and “The Great Unknown”. More than two hundred contemporary references to Shakespeare have
Billywilder’s America
Billy Wilder’s 1950s films included some of the most famous sex comedies of the era, such as the raucous The Seven Year Itch (1955), in which a wandering husband (Tom Ewell) is smitten by
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is the smallest component of the United Kingdom of Great Britainrlt consists ot 6 counties of the Ulster’s province, so the name “Ulster” is sometimes used as equivalent to Northern Ireland. The
The Enlightment
The history of England and second part of the 17’th centure, and during the 18’th centure was marked by British colonial, expression and struggle for the leading role in cowers. The writters and philosofists
The Tower of London
The Tower of London doesn’t belong to the City, though it stood there for almost 900 years. It is more connected with the royal dynasties than with the world of business. It was originally
Is restaurant management on your career menu?
Whenever Jerry Wfestrom interviews a potential management candidate, he talks about all the negatives surrounding the position before going into greater detail about the positives. “I need to know their heart is in it,
Еaster in Great Britain
Великдень – це дуже популярне свято у Великобританії. На Великдень британці святкують відродження, даруючи один одному великодні шоколадні яйця, що відкриваються і з’їдаються у великодню неділю. У Страсну П’ятницю булочники продають гарячі булочки у
О фильмах – About films
Each year, remove a number of different films; they are of different genres and directions. But people aspire to look not only novelties, but also enjoy viewing of old films. At the history lessons
Claudia Schiffer. Клаудиа Шиффер
Клаудиа Шиффер – немецкая манекенщица и фотомодель – принадлежит к самым знаменитым моделям мира. Клаудиа Шиффер родилась 25- го августа 1970 года в Райнберге возле Дюссельдорфа, и была старшей из четырех детей адвоката Хайнца