Домашні улюбленці. Pets
Багато людей люблять тварин. І багато хто тримають тварин у будинку. Таких тварин ми називаємо домашніми улюбленцями. Це кішки, собаки, хом’ячки, білі миші і так далі. Вони знають своїх господарів і люблять їх. І
Мой город – Саратов – My City – Saratov
I want to tell you about my beautiful, rather big, city called Saratov. There is an exciting history which goes back 479 years. Our town was visited by a lot of famous people including
The Auteur Theory
In the midst of all this technological tumult, a new group of American directors came of age, eager to embrace the shift to color and CinemaScope. They were also bolstered by the critical cheerleading
Не учи английский! – Don’t learn English!
Bad advice for school children. Warning! This article can damage your mind. The world is crazy about English! English is everywhere from morning till night! It’s like madness: you have to learn it even
Странное приключение – A strange adventure
I would like to tell you a story about a mermaid. It started like this. Last summer my parents, my friend and I went to the lake for a weekend. We found a nice
He was a Philosopher
He was 70 years old, bald-headed, with an absurd pug nose and an unkempt beard. He wore nothing but a cloak – no shoes, no shirt, no underwear. He had the merriest of ispositions,
Соединенные Штаты Америки – одна из величайших стран мира. Она расположена на Северо-Американском континенте и омывается тремя океанами: Тихим, Атлантическим и Северным Ледовитым. Она граничит только с двумя странами – Канадой и Мексикой. В
Твір з англіської мови Ужгород. Uzhhorod
Ужгород (колишній Унгар) – південні ворота до української частини Карпат, головне місто українського Закарпаття. Місто знаходиться на відстані 4 км від словацького кордону і 25 км від угорського. Ужгород існував, починаючи з 903 року
David Attenborough
David Attenborough is very gloomy about much of what he’s seen. What’s depressed him most has been the huge speed and scale of change that human beings are inflicting on the world. People destroy
Learning languages
The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and