Wales. Уельс
Wales covers about 10 per cent of the island of GB, but has only about 5 per cent of the population of the United Kingdom. About 20 per cent of the people speak Welsh,
Mein Lieblingsflm „Alexander“
Когда у меня есть свободное время, я люблю смотреть телевизор. Но телевизор не может заменить посещения кинотеатра, я люблю ходить в кино. Среди тех фильмов, которые я смотрела, у меня есть, конечно, любимый фильм.
How Scotland fought for its independence
In 1286 the king of Scotland died. About ten barons wanted to become the king of Scotland. They asked Edward the First of England to decide the question. He came with a strong army
Getting around in britain
Britain has almost the same population as France but less than half the space. With 238 people per square kilometre, it is a densely populated country. So it is not surprising that the transport
Англія розташована на півдні та сході острова Великої Британії і має найбільшу територію з усіх 4 країн, що утворюють Сполучене Королівство. В Англії мешкає близько 80% усього населення держави, тож вона є густо заселеним
How Mark Twain Was Sold in Newark
You may remember that I lectured in Newark lately for the young gentlemen of the Society? During the afternoon of that day I was talking with one of the young gentlemen, and he said
Немецкая корпоративная культура – German Corporate Culture
German Corporate Culture differs from Anglo-American Corporate Culture significantly. The main difference is that the controlling and managing functions are divided between two branches of authorities. So the management system consists of 2 parts:
Cricket is a long game, requiring anything from three to five days for competition. Progress is often slow; and there is no certainty that a result will be achieved even when two teams play
Silent movie masters
Despite the fact that the studio system often stifled individual creativity, a number of gifted filmmakers managed to strike a balance between art and commerce and adapted to the studio system, making personal films
Periods of the English history
According to English scientists Henry Sweet classified this periods are connected with the development of English endings. Henry Sweet classified them as 1. The Period of Full Endings, 2. The Period of Levelled Endings