Regional variation of English
British English Pronunciation Standards comprise English English, Welsh English, Scottish English and Northern Ireland English.
English English
1. Southern accents.
1) Southern accents (Greater London, Cockney, Surray, Kent);
2) East Anglia accents (Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk;
3) South-West accents (Gloucestershire, Wiltshire).
2. Northern and Midland accents.
1) Northern accents (Northumberland, Durham, Cleveland);
2) Yorkshire accents;
3) North-West accents (Lancashire, Cheshire);
West Midland (Birmingham, Wolverhampton).
Nothern Ireland English
It should be stated first of all that English pronunciation standards in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Eire are different. The explanation lies in history.
It is, of course, obvious that the language distinction is not coterminous with the political division of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, some areas of the Republic, Donegal, for instance, speak N. Ir. Eng, while some of the northern provinces speak S. Ir. Eng.
Welsh English
In Wales English dominates over Welsh in urban areas, in the west and north-west of the country the balance being in favour of Welsh, where English is learnt at schools as a second language.
Welsh English at the level of educated speech and writing is not much different from that of English English. Most differences are found at the level of more localized dialects.
Scottish English
We must first make clear that the status of Scottish English is still debated. Some linguists say that it is a national variant. Others say that it is a dialect. English has been spoken in Scotland for as long as it has been spoken in England.





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- Wales. Уельс Wales covers about 10 per cent of the island of GB, but has only about 5 per cent of the population of the United Kingdom. About 20 per cent of the people speak Welsh, an ancient Celtic language. English and Welsh are both official languages. Wales is a country of poets and singers with a […]...
- The English year The are four seasons in the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The winter months in Great Britain are November, December, January and February. The winter months are cold. In Great Britain in winter it snows and rains. November, There 30 days in November. It is the first winter month in Britain. In November there […]...
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