Коли чуєш ім’я якогось письменника, то відразу виникає асоціація з його творами або визначними роботами. З ім’ям Бориса Грінченка виникають у пам’яті твори зі шкільної програми: оповідання “Украла”, “Екзамен”, “Панько”, а ще його словник
One winter evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife about one of their neighbours who was a rich man. “If only I had a little money myself, he said,
Nowadays a problem of genetically modified food is widespread all over the world. People worry about their health and the health of descendants, because GM is considered to be very harmful. Along with disadvantages
Jean Cocteau is a very different case, a multitalented artist whose boldly Surrealist work in the theater, as well as his writings and drawings, defined the yearnings and aspirations of a generation. His groundbreaking
Moonlight was streaming through clouds and lighting up a valley. Sound of voices, music, horses` neighing was hearing from everywhere. The village was celebrating the Harvest Day. Kelen was standing next to the front
Музыка является неотъемлемой частью жизни каждого человека. Я не могу представить себе человека, живущего без музыки. Мы можем слушать музыку дома, на работе, в машине или даже в то время, когда мы идем по
Lately computers have filled our life. Now they are almost in each family. We have got used to them and we do not imagine our leisure without this miracle-machine. With the help of computers
It is very difficult to imagine an ideal school. I questioned my schoolmates and asked them to tell about the school of their dream. Their stories made a strong impression on me. To my
From the center of Westminster Bridge one can have a splendid view of the H. of P. The structure is a remarkable example of Gothic architecture. Royal Palaces and houses were built along the
Ви на канікулах і хочете купити тлумачний словник поцікавтеся, чи є в наявності такі словники, скільки вони коштують, яких видавництв ці словники, який їхній лексичний мінімум. When I arrived in London I understood that