Thomas Ince

Another major figure during this formative era was Thomas Ince, who perhaps more than any other producer, except for Edison, put the motion picture industry on the map as a business. Ince got his

Madame Tussaud’s. Музей Мадам Тюссо

Кожен відвідувач Лондона знає, хто така Мадам Тюссо. І майже кожен гість бачив її, бабусю у віці 81 року, що стоїть біля входу на власну виставку. Вона зроблена з воску, як і всі моделі

Film in Korea

Korea came to the cinema relatively late, with its first silent film not being produced until 1923. In 1935, the sound film was introduced, but any further artistic development was cut short when Japan

What will be there in my new flat

Every young man wants to live independently. And I’m not an exception. Of course, the time will come, when I will alone in my flat. I wait for this moment and imagine, that my

Sport and healthy way of life : run your way to health

When I started running seven years ago, I could manage only about a quarter of a mile before I had to stop. Breathless and aching, I walked the next quarter of a mile, then

Политическая система Великобритании – UK Political System

Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии – конституционная монархия. Власть королевы, Елизаветы II, не абсолютна. Эта власть ограничена парламентом. Законодательная власть – парламент – состоит из палаты лордов и палаты общин. Исполнительная власть состоит

Мое мнение – My opinion

I do not think that it is youthful behaviour or the romanticism peculiar to young people but it is the most barefaced reality. Afghanistan. What do we know about Afghanistan? I think young people

“Путешествия Гулливера” Джонатана Свифта – Gulliver`s Travels by Jonathan Swift

This well-written book is the best satire in the English literature. The main character, Gulliver, finds himself in Lilliput country where little people live. Gulliver after a while has to run out of the

The political system of Ukraine

Ukraine is a republic. Legislative power belongs to the parliament that is called “Verkhovna Rada.” The deputies are elected by secret ballot all over the country. They have meetings when they discuss the problems

Мои зимние каникулы – My Winter Holidays

Зимние каникулы короче летних. Они начинаются в конце декабря и длятся около двух недель. Отдохнуть от школы – это так прекрасно. Во время зимних каникул мы празднуем Новый год и Рождество. В школах и