Твір з англіської мови Great Britain. Великобританія
З’єднане Королівство Великобританії і Північної Ірландії розташоване на Британських островах. Вони лежать на північному заході від Європи. Британські острови відділені від континенту вузькою протокою, що називається Ла – Манш. З’єднане Королівство складається з чотирьох
Regional variation of English
British English Pronunciation Standards comprise English English, Welsh English, Scottish English and Northern Ireland English. English English 1. Southern accents. 1) Southern accents (Greater London, Cockney, Surray, Kent); 2) East Anglia accents (Lincolnshire, Norfolk,
Британский индивидуализм – British Individualism
The British can be particularly and stubbornly conservative about anything which is perceived as a token of Britishness. In these matters, their conservatism can combine with their individualism; they are rather proud of being
Большие и малые города Великобритании – Cities and Towns of Great Britain
Великобритания – высокоразвитая промышленная страна, и большинство людей живут в крупных городах. Конечно, столица стоит на первом месте среди самых больших промышленных городов страны. Множество продукции, такой как одежда, продукты питания, самолеты и автомобили,
Problems with early sound
Technological advances during this period were numerous. The first microphones for recording sound were clumsy and bulky and produced poor sound quality. Technicians insisted that the performers stand next to the microphones for optimal
Sports of Great Britain
Table tennis was first Invented in England in about 1880. At first the game had several strange names: Gossima. Whiff Whaff and Ping Pong. It wasn’t until 1926 that the International Table Tennis Association
Silent filmmaking in Russia
Following a period in which domestic filmmaking was noted for its commercial blandness, Russian cinema underwent an explosive series of developments due to the Bolshevik Revolution. Under the czar, escapist entertainment was the order
Огонь путешествий – Fire of travel
There is one kind of people who can`t stand at one place for a long time. Our family belongs to this kind. From time to time fire of travel burns in our souls. And
The Travellers and the Purse
You have read and heard several little stories by Aesop who lived more that two thousand years ago. As you know, Aesop laughs in his stories at what is bad and foolish and so
Main Theatres in London. Головні театри Лондона
У Лондоні є чотири театри надзвичайної краси: Театр, Кетен театр, Роуз театр і Свон театр. Щодня в кожнім із них глядачам представляються різні п’єси. З усіх театрів найбільший і найбільш чудовий – Свон театр;