Christmas in Great Britain
Для багатьох британських родин Різдво – найважливіше свято на рік. Це сполучення свята народження Христа і традиційних зимових свят. У неділю перед Різдвом у багатьох церквах проходить різдвяне богослужіння, коли співаються спеціальні гімни. Багато
Что такое дружба и лучший друг? – What is that a friendship and the best friend?
What is that friendship? I ask myself this question tome and again. Many people don`t know is that friendship and they find those who they meet, study and work their friendship it`s classmates and
Exhibition Tourism
According to business travel statistics, the demand on exhibition tourism has been growing recently. Large travel agencies make arrangements to visit more than 100 exhibitions every year. The most popular industry-specific exhibitions and fairs
Germany and the Nazi Cinema
In Germany, the shift to sound was more sinister, with the indigenous film industries rapidly pressed into service of the Nazi regime. Joseph Goebbels created the Reichsfilmkammer (Reich Film Chamber) in 1933 and thus
Средства массовой информации в нашей жизни – Mass Media in our Life
Средства массовой информации играют очень важную роль в нашей жизни. Они информируют людей о различных событиях, которые происходят или могут произойти. Они также развлекают людей и помогают сделать их жизнь лучше. Но самое главное,
Мій робочий день. My Working Day
У будень я звичайно встаю о 7 годині. Я застеляю постіль, відкриваю вікно і роблю зарядку. Потім йду у ванну, де чищу зуби й умиваюся. Якщо в мене досить часу, приймаю контрастний душ. Після
Max Ophüls
If Lubitsch saw the relationship between men and women as a playful battle of wits and whims, Max Ophüls was perhaps the supreme romanticist of the movies, both in his early work in Germany
There are many countries in the world where people speak English and this language is one of the official languages. The largest and most important of them are the United Kingdom, the United States
Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks
Walt Disney, more than any other animator, made the cartoon short an integral part of the motion picture experience. He also pioneered the feature-length animated film with the ambitious Snow White and the Seven
Fritz Lang in America
Fritz Lang picked up his career in America after his rapid departure from Nazi Germany with Fury (1936), an anti-lynching melodrama starring Spencer Tracy. Lang originally wanted the protagonist, the intended victim of the