Вслед за викингами – On vikings` trails
The summer will be soon, it means that an enormous number of people will go on a holiday. And of course most of them will go to the South. But there are several places in the North which have a fine weather
Norway is the country of vikings. In Oslo you can see the real ship-dakkars (ship with turned in up prows). They are the most interesting that vikings left. Models of such ships were hung up in Norway`s churches. It was the symbol of life.
Another peculiarity of Norway is fiords. Fiord is narrow, sinuous and deep jutting out into mainland bay with rocky and steep shores. The real fiords begin in Stavanger. This place has its history too. According to the legend, Harold for the sake of Hundra`s love won the battle and united Norway. In honour of that 3 swords were droven into the shore.
And the merriest city of Norway is Bergen. A lot of concerts and festivals are on in Bergen and townspeople take a walk in the national costumes.
Britain is situated near Scandinavia. That`s why at first vikings went to rob Britain and then in the IXth century they conquered and started to live there. Their capital was Yorvik. Now it`s York. It`s one of the most interesting cities in England.
There is vikings` museum there. This museum is situated under the groung. Workpeople restored the houses, the landing stage and populated all that by wax figures.
The major attraction of Denmark is Danes, their friendliness, hospitality and humour. Danes live at the intersection of Scandinavian, European and Baltic cultures.
However, the most important is that Denmark is the country of vikings. There is the museum of vikings in Roskild. It contains the unique collection of ships and household articles of vikings` age.
All this 3 countries have their own rich history, which you will not meet, if you go to the South.





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