Американські музиканти
Луї Дениел Армстронг народився 4 липня 1900 року в Новому Орлеані, батьківщині американського джазу. Його батько Віллі був робітником. Його предки були рабами. У 1913 році він став керівником шкільного ансамблю. Один музикант навчив його грати по нотах, коли він вступив у річковий оркестр Міссісіпі.
У 1922 році він виїхав у Чикаго, щоб грати в Креольському джазовому ансамблі Олівера. Армстронг організував свій власний ансамбль у Чикаго в 1925 році. З його феноменальною здатністю до мелодійних варіацій він зміг перетворити джаз з оркестрової музики
His grandparents had been slaves. In 1913 he became the leader of the school band. A musician taught him how to read music when he joined Mississippi riverboat band. In 1922 he went to Chicago to play with Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band. Armstrong organized his own band in Chicago in 1925. With his phenomenal gift for melodic variations, he was able to turn jazz from ensemble music to a solo art. The voice was first used as an instrument by Armstrong. Another Armstrong’s innovation was professional playing of jazz. He appeared on television frequently and made more than 35 short films or movies. His classics include “West End Blues”, “Weather Bird”. He died on July 6, 1971, in New York City. Billie Holiday was the finest jazz singer of her generation, and in the opinion of her followers and many critics she was the greatest jazz singer of the 20th century. Although Holiday received no professional training, her singing was sophisticated. Billie Holiday was born on April 7, 1915, in Baltimore. Her father was a professional guitarist. Young Holiday made her singing debut in 1931 in Harlem night-clubs. She was not widely recognized until 1935, but her early recordings are now regarded as jazz masterpieces. She appeared in concert with Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Fletcher Henderson, Benny Goodman. Holiday died in New York City on July 17, 1959.
Louis Armstrong [lu:is’a:mstrar)] – Луї Армстронґ New Orleans [nju:’o:lianz] – Новий Орлеан Creole Jazz Band [‘kri:aul ‘csez ‘bsend] – Креольський джазовий ансамбль ensemble music [an’sembl ‘mju:zik] – оркестрова музика sophisticated [sa’fistikeitid] – вправний record [n’ko:d] – платівка
What family was Louis Daniel Armstrong born in? What band did he play? How did he use the voice? Who was Billie Holiday? What can you say about her early recordings?