
Ich habe viele Freunde. Mit den einen lerne ich zusammen, mit den anderen gehe in den Klub, mit den dritten treibe Sport. Es gibt unter ihnen zwei, die ich besonders liebe – Nikita und

Early German film

In Germany, a similar period of experimentation was taking place, albeit under radically different circumstances. The prewar German cinema was composed for the most part of “actualities,” short films in the manner of the

Роль праздников в нашей жизни – The role of holidays in our life

Holidays are memorial data in honour of specific historical events. The ones are very old and come from the ancient times, but the others are quite young. The first reason to celebrate them is

Что означает фраза “успех в жизни” – What does the phrase “success in life” mean?

The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English says that success is when you achieve what you want or intend. But what does success mean to people? Are people successful because they have happy lives and

The move to sound

But behind the scenes in the late 1920s, a revolution was brewing. Lee de Forest, the pioneer inventor who created the vacuum tube, the television picture tube, and the modern optical sound track system

“A Stolen” Theme

The famous Italian composer Leoncovallo loved to listen to what people said about his operas. One evening, when his “Pagliacci” was on, he was sitting next to a girl who clapped with enthusiasm. Between

Elvis Presley

When Elvis Presley died on 16th August, 1977, radio and television programmes all over the world were interrupted to give the news of his death. President Carter was asked to declare a day of

Наш дом и квартира – Our House And Flat

Я живу в новом девятиэтажном доме по улице Пушкинской. Перед домом находится детская площадка и небольшой садик. Нам нравится проводить там время. Наша квартира расположена на третьем этаже. Она очень комфортабельная. У нас есть


Some of English festivals are usual for any other country, some of them are celebrated only in the UK. Every part of the UK has its own Saint and their days are celebrated, of

Білет № 10 Відповіді на білети. Англійська мова

Ви обговорюєте проблему вивчення іноземних мов зі своїми друзями. Висловіть свою думку щодо важливості знання іноземної мови. It’s very important to know English. Two thousands years ago English did not exist. A thousand years